Shop 10 Peasant Blouses You Need For Summer While I Talk About Mental Health :)

Today I wanna show you some peasant blouses to help you live your Ren Fair Slut Dreams while I pepper in some deep thoughts on mental health. What could be better? Talking about mental health can feel overwhelming, or triggering, or stressful so I’m here to soften the blow. Working on my mental health is one of the most important parts of my life and I know it could help you too!


DO YOU HEAR THAT? THAT’s the sound of mental health awareness month baby!
I’ve been in therapy since high school. I went because my parents forced me. The night before my first session I remember being on the phone with a guy I had a HUGE crush on, telling him I was embarrassed about starting therapy and how I thought it was for weak babies. He told me that if it would help then I should think about trying it because it’s not for weak babies it’s brave. I’m really grateful he said that and I’m really grateful my parents sent me because my relationship with my therapist has been the defining relationship in my life.
Self work is so important to me. Over the past decade it’s what has taken top priority and my therapist is the shit. He is constantly in my corner, being hard on me when I need it, but fully understanding me and what I’m meant to learn in this life. He’s also teaching me energy work and ~*Spiritual Stuff*~ and it’s fucking awesome. I am so lucky he was brought into my life. I don’t know where I’d be without him.

Shopping Intermission

You’ve been reading a lot! Take a break! Look at these cute peasant tops that you could wear to therapy?? :)!

Click the image to shop if you wish!

I have worked HARD on dealing with my PTSD and anxiety issues in general (I was having panic attacks every night and was hospitalized twice), on getting to know who I am and why I’m here, on how to set boundaries and know my needs, how to communicate my feelings effectively and stand up for much. All my confidence and all the ways I’m secure in my skin come from my work with my therapist. All of it.
I am not a weak baby! I am a strong woman! I have SOMUCH left to learn. I still get sad and cry or feel insecure sometimes. I am still learning how to more consistently and kindly implement the lessons I’ve mentioned, and I’m sure there’s a bunch to learn that I’m not even aware of yet.
I think self work is the purpose of life and it doesn’t stop the whole time we’re on Earth. But! I’ve come a long ass way and I’m proud of the work I’ve done. I also can’t wait to see who I become.
There is still a stigma surrounding therapy or self work. Humans are still expected to automatically just have everything together or else they are an embarrassing failure. So many people are struggling though, and there’s no shame in admitting that someone helping you would feel nice and make life better! Asking for help when we need it is brave and strong, not weak.


If you’re thinking about starting therapy but you’re unsure message me! Are you already in therapy? What helps your mental health? Let’s chat on Facebook and Instagram. :) <3
