Ariana Grande Halloween Costume For Plus Size Girl ;)

Halloween! The best holiday! You get to dress up as something you love, everyone else is dressed up as things they love, it’s spooky, and you get to eat candy and party. What’s not to love? This year I decided to go as Ariana Grande. I’m obsessed with her music and in all honestly I wanted a cute af costume. But then I got nervous!


What will people say when a fat girl goes as a really conventionally attractive celebrity? As problematic as I know she is, I think she’s p much universally considered one of the hottest people alive. What if people thought I was ugly and then thought I was stupid for thinking I was that hot? What if people only compared me to her all night?

I started to get scared of this costume. I was scared of a ponytail extension and a XXL sweatshirt!

Then I thought, lol wut? Since when do we care what other people think? Since when do we only care about being considered hot? Since when do we let fear of judgement dictate our actions? And the answer to all those questions was: we don’t (royal we here).

I want to feel cute and smoll and hot on Halloween so I chose a costume that did that for me! No matter how people judge it, I’m having a spooky ball.

Happy Halloween bbs I hope you have the scariest time ;). Tell me your costume and your Halloween plans on Instagram and Facebook.
