hand sanitizer

The Best Hand Sanitizers For You and Your Kids

Hand sanitizer has become, along with medical face masks, a daily staple for staying healthy during COVID-19. The past two years of the pandemic have I think made us all think of germs in a way we never had before, and I know I always make sure I have my hand sanitizer on me before I leave the house.

The Touchland Hand Sanitizer is the best and I have to tell you all about it. I’ve been using it in the Lemon Lime Spritz scent and it smells so good and protects from dangerous germs. The packaging is flat so they can easily fit in a purse or pocket and each bottle is $10!

To effectively protect against COVID-19, you need to make sure you select a hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol content, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Touchland spray is 67% alcohol.

Click the button above to grab yours!